The best practice when you see slit-mouthed woman

The Slit-Mouthed Woman is a Japanese urban legend or folk story, known as Kuchisake-onna in Japanese, that has become popularized in modern Japanese culture through movies, TV shows, and video games.

The legend tells the story of a woman who was mutilated and left with a permanent grin, resembling a wide slit in her face. She is said to wear a surgical mask or veil to conceal her disfigurement, and approaches unsuspecting individuals, usually at night, and asks them a question, such as "Am I pretty?" or "Do you think I'm beautiful?". If the person answers "yes," she removes her mask and reveals her mutilated face, and then asks "How about now?" before attacking them with a sharp object, such as a pair of scissors or a knife.

The origins of the legend are unclear, but it is thought to have emerged in the late 1970s or early 1980s in Japan, possibly inspired by real-life incidents of attacks on women by strangers. The legend has since been adapted into various forms of media, including horror films, anime, and video games.

In modern times, the legend of the Slit-Mouthed Woman has taken on a more playful and lighthearted tone in Japan, with children often daring each other to repeat her name three times in front of a mirror to summon her, much like the Bloody Mary urban legend in Western cultures.

Despite its fictional origins, the legend of the Slit-Mouthed Woman has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan and has spawned various adaptations and interpretations in popular culture.

What is the source of this story

The origins of the Slit-Mouthed Woman legend are uncertain, as it is believed to have emerged as an urban legend in Japan in the late 1970s or early 1980s. However, there are several theories about the possible source of the legend.

One theory suggests that the story may have originated from a Japanese ghost story called "Nukekubi," which features a woman with a detachable head who roams the streets at night, seeking to prey on unsuspecting individuals. Another theory proposes that the legend may have been inspired by real-life incidents of attacks on women by strangers, which were widely reported in Japanese media during the 1970s and 1980s.

It is also possible that the legend of the Slit-Mouthed Woman is a combination of various folklore and urban legends from different regions of Japan, as there are similar stories from different parts of the country that feature women with mutilated faces who attack unsuspecting individuals at night.

Regardless of its origins, the legend of the Slit-Mouthed Woman has become a cultural phenomenon in Japan and has inspired numerous adaptations in popular culture.

The appearance of the Slit-Mouthed Woman

She is said to be a woman with long hair, wearing a long trench coat or a cloak. She is often depicted wearing a surgical mask or a veil, which covers her mouth and nose. When she approaches her victims, she is known to ask them a question such as "Am I pretty?" or "Do you think I'm beautiful?".

If the victim answers "yes," the woman is said to remove her mask or veil, revealing a wide, grotesque slit in her face, stretching from ear to ear. The wound is often described as being deep and bloody, with jagged edges, making it a horrifying sight to behold. Sometimes, the woman is also said to be holding a sharp object, such as a pair of scissors or a knife, which she uses to attack her victim after revealing her disfigured face.

Overall, the appearance of the Slit-Mouthed Woman is meant to be terrifying and unsettling, with her grotesque facial deformity and her propensity for violence making her a memorable figure in Japanese urban legend.

How to escape from her

The Slit-Mouthed Woman is a fictional character from Japanese urban legends and folklore. While it is impossible to encounter her in real life, if we were to imagine a scenario in which someone was confronted by her, there are a few things that could be done to try to escape:

Stay calm: It's important to remain calm and composed if you are confronted by the Slit-Mouthed Woman. Panicking or running away could make you an easier target for her.

Avoid eye contact: If she approaches you and asks a question, avoid making eye contact with her. This could provoke her and increase the chances of an attack.

Give vague answers: If she asks you a question, give vague or non-committal answers such as "I don't know" or "Maybe". Avoid answering with a definite "yes" or "no", as this could lead to a confrontation.

Run away: If you feel threatened or believe that an attack is imminent, run away as quickly as possible. Find a public place or a well-lit area with other people around to increase your safety.

Call for help: If you have a phone with you, call the police or emergency services immediately.

Again, it is important to remember that the Slit-Mouthed Woman is a fictional character, and this information is purely hypothetical.

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